First Year Bonding in the Burren 2024

While the excitement was going on in Longford there was still plenty of excitement in Co Clare as the first years arrived in the Burren for outdoor pursuits trip. They were enjoying some singing on the way to their first activity -caving !!

Day 1 at the Burren Outdoor Adventure Centre. First up was some caving and kayaking and then some down time in the beautiful Clare countryside

An evening walk on the beautiful Flaggy Shore

Spooky stories and s’mores for the first years and m TY mentors

Nothing as nice as a morning of kayaking in this beautiful country of ours.

First group of first years are keeping very busy on their outdoor pursuits trip

Our second group of first years enjoying some great weather at the Burren Outdoor Education Centre

Our first year group in the Burren last night were treated to a fantastic display frim the Northern Lights #memories

Evening walks and campfire chats in the Burren for the first years and the TY helpers

Making the most of the Burrens’ unique rocky landscape ,above and below the ground. Our final group of first years enjoying the Burren Outdoor Education Centre

First year caving and rockclimbing at the Burren OEC

Virtual Open Night – Live Now

We are now enrolling students for September 2021 and would like to welcome you to our Virtual Open Night. We are delighted to share our school community with you.

Stay tuned to the school Facebook page and website over the coming nights to view a series of short videos from each of the subject departments to help you choose your options

Application forms are also available from the school office on 063 83121 or contact us by email at [email protected]

Open Night Live in 30 mins

We are now enrolling students for September 2021 and would like to welcome you to our Virtual Open Night. We are delighted to share our school community with you.

Stay tuned to the school Facebook page and website over the coming nights to view a series of short videos from each of the subject departments to help you choose your options

Application forms are also available from the school office on 063 83121 or contact us by email at [email protected]

And we are back…

Congratulations and best wishes to our 106 first year students who joined our school community in the most unusual circumstances this morning. A lot to learn for staff and students alike but we are looking forward to making this year as good and productive as we possibly can.

Open Night 2017

The annual open night for prospective incoming students will take place on the evening of Thursday 26th October from 7 – 9p.m.

Principals Address will commence at 7.15p.m.
All are welcome

On display on the night will be samples of student work from across the year groups, classroom displays and exhibitions, and a competition for incoming students.

In conjunction with the open night will be an open day on Tuesday 24th October from 9.30a.m. – 12.30p.m. 5th and/or 6th class students from local schools will be brought to the school to experience the school in action. Senior students will guide students through the school and its facilities. Students in fifth or sixth class from primary schools not attending on the day are welcome to visit also with their Parent/Guardian.

Visit our new state of the art new extension “The Sean Burke Suite” on the night.

Available on the open night will include information on the programmes and subject we offer

  • Junior Certificate
  • Transition Year programme
  • Leaving Certificate
  • Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
  • Leaving Certificate Applied

Comment from recent school inspections

Responses received from parents and students reflected a high level of satisfaction with the quality of teaching and learning in the school. – Inspection Team 2015

Details of State Examination Achievements

Leaving Certificate Results 2017

The class of 2017 at Hazelwood College exceeded last years national average points by over 120 points reflecting the continued success of the school. A record number of students achieved above 500 points including students achieving over 600 points.

The success of one student, Laura Stack, made national headlines by being one of only thirteen students in the country to achieve 8 H1’s.

For more details and information see our feature in this weeks Weekly Observer and advert in this weeks Vale Star

Achieving Our Full Potential

Welcome 1st Year 2017

Class 1A pictured with School Principal Mr Brendan Burke and Class teacher Ms Sinead Clarson

Class 1B pictured with school Principal Mr Brendan Burke and class teacher Ms Grainne Phelan

Class 1C pictured with school Principal Mr Brendan Burke and class teacher Mr Alan Noonan

Class 1D pictured with school Principal Mr Brendan Burke and class teacher Ms Marie O Connor

We won’t forgot the rest of the student body who returned after a well earned summer break.