Our TY enterprise students are busy advertising their upcoming Marketplace where they will have a fantastic range of products on sale ! The event will take place on Monday 29th January from 10am to 6pm. All are welcome to come and find a good bargain
Peter O’Dea of O’Connor O’Dea Solicitors Newcastle West is pictured here, back row far left, with Transition Year students after completing a one day intensive Legal Studies Course, where students were immersed into a simulated legal experience after being instructed in the basics of the legal system. Students were exposed to the variety of roles and the responsibilities associated with those roles in the legal system.
Eoin Enright, Hazelwood College Transition Year Programme student receives instruction from Tommy Gray, of the Irish Red Cross, on performing CPR. This skill is one that could potentially enable Eoin and other TYP students to save lives.
Picture 2 Hazelwood College’s Transition Year Programme student Blaithin Matthews (far left) demonstrates the skills she has learned in practicing CPR on an infant before Amy Ryan (centre) and Ger Doody of the Irish Red Cross.
Over 100 First years and their Transition Year mentors recently spent 3 days and 2 nights in Cappanalea Outdoor Education Centre in Co. Kerry. As well as getting to know their new colleagues for their coming years in Hazelwood College, students experienced Hillwalking, Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Orienteering and Team Building.
Here’s a highlights video of some of the fun from the trip.
Here are a selection of photos from the trip, the full set of almost 250 photos are available to view on the school Facebook page.