Annual Show 2016

This years annual school concert will take place on the 8th, 9th, (10th April TBC). The concert will commence each night at 7.30p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance through Reception. Ticket prices are as before; €10 for adults €5 for Children/OAP’s. This years show is based on excerpts of the DreamWorks Film, Shrek and produced by the Transition Year students. Shrek will be preceeded by the annual Variety Show showcasing the talents of Hazelwood College students

Tickets Now on Sale


Variety Show Pictures – Updated

Here are the pictures from the recent Variety Show, with a few more added from the original posting yesterday. Three great sold out nights of entertainment took place on the 27th, 28th and 29th of March.

Congratulations to all both ‘front of house’ and ‘backstage’ who helped make these nights so successful.

More Variety Show and West Side Story photos to follow in the coming days.

Click on each image to see full size

Annual School Concert and Variety Show

Annual School Concert and Variety Show

This years annual school concert will take place on the 27th, 28th, 29th March. The concert will commence each night at 7.30p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance through Reception. Ticket prices are as before; €10 for adults €5 for Children/OAP’s. This years show is based on excerpts of the musical West Side Story, preceeded by the annual Variety Show