Safer Internet Day 2016

Today is Safer Internet Day 2016.

This annual event is being celebrated around the world. Last year over 100 countries worldwide, including all 28 countries of the European Union, celebrated Safer Internet Day. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world.

2016 is the 13th edition of the event and the call to action for this year is “Play your part for a better internet”.

Here’s just one of the highlights from last year’s Safer Internet Day campaign – an anti-cyber bullying rap created by the GMC Youth Crew.

More information on Safer Internet Day can be found here: Safer Internet Day Website

First Year Anti-Cyber-Bullying

‘First Year Anti-Cyber-Bullying’

A recent ‘First Year Anti-Cyber-Bullying’ Campaign which informed first year students how to protect themselves from cyber bulling. Pictured are standing (left to right) Niamh Enright, Kate Farrissey, Janice Reidy, Cian Larkin, Aaron Walsh, Albert Fenton and Cathal Walsh, all senior students involved in the Anti-Cyber Bullying Campaign.
Seated (from left to right) James O’Connor, Orla O’Brien and Claudia Walsh, who were three of the first year students to benefit from the campaign.
