A busy start to our week in Hazelwood as preparations get underway for our Coffee Morning this Thursday 18th April. TY’s are busy baking and organising the raffle prizes. We are thrilled to be able to #helpCarolfightMND.

A busy start to our week in Hazelwood as preparations get underway for our Coffee Morning this Thursday 18th April. TY’s are busy baking and organising the raffle prizes. We are thrilled to be able to #helpCarolfightMND.
A special day being involved in making a difference for those less fortunate. A busy day today for first years preparing the shoe boxes for the next step of their journey to the warehouse to be shipped. Well done to all students and families , members of the local community and local primary schools for putting together a total of 173 shoe boxes. #teamhopeshoeboxappeal
Hazelwood College Transition Year students (from left to right) Jake O’Sullivan, Eoin Enright and Martin Daly are pictured collecting money as part of the Annual St Vincent de Paul Hazelwood College Christmas Collection Campaign that took place in Dromcollogher recently.
Hazelwood College students pictured participating in the Annual St Vincent de Paul Hazelwood College Christmas Collection. Pictured from left are Marguerite Deely O’Brien, Emma Browne and Chriss Boyce.
During the Easter Holiday, three Hazelwood College students, Bríd Flanagan, Letitia Cotter and Nicola Madden and a Hazelwood College teacher Ms. Betty Cotter left to embark on a journey of a lifetime to Calcutta, India with The Hope Foundation. The Hazelwood group raised over €12,00 for The Hope Foundation who work with street and slum children in India. Hope have set up many projects, for example orphanages, schools, homes and a hospital, all of which the girls got to visit. They are making huge differences in India and giving street and slum children the greatest gift of all, education. The four adventurers would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed either financially or in other ways to help them on their journey. It was greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone Ms. O’ Connor here,
In July 2016 I endeavour to cycle ‘The Wild Atlantic Way’ as a fund and awareness raising campaign for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. My father has multiple sclerosis and it is from his association with the MS Society that I have seen the wonderful services and supports that are provided, helping people with Multiple Sclerosis throughout Ireland. It is from this personal experience that I find my inspiration to undertake this 2,500km cycle along the western coastline of Ireland from Kinsale to Derry. I am fortunate to have the health and well-being to aspire to undertake this challenge in aid of people who may not be in as fortunate a position.
It is with this challenge in sight that I wanted to let you know about my plans. I would be most grateful of any form of sponsorship, support or advice you may be in a position to provide which will make this endeavour a successful awareness and fund raising campaign for the MS Society. Any form of support that you can provide will be received with a grateful, warm and thankful reception. Tell all your friends and spread the word.
If anyone wants to host a coffee morning or evening/quiz/bake sale or any other wonderful fundraising idea please feel free to undertake any event and I would be most grateful.
If anyone would like to take a sponsorship card please also let me know, it would also be greatly appreciated.
The Monster Easter Raffle and Mr. Finn’s Fun Cycle on April 13th are the first two fundraisers that are being undertaken. The Easter Raffle has been a wonderful success & thank you for your support.
If anyone is shopping in Tesco Newcastle West in the next eight weeks please put your blue tokens into Marie’s Spin for Multiple Sclerosis cylinder.
Please LIKE and SHARE the Facebook page if you are so inclined ;-)
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Marie’s Spin for Multiple Sclerosis
Twitter: @marie_spin
Online Donation Justgiving: https://www.justgiving.com/Maries-Spin-4-Multiple-Sclerosis/
(The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland: Registered Charity-CHY5365)
LCA2 students Conor Begley, Padraig O Kelly, Alan Murphy, Tara O Leary, Chloe Sexton, Emma O Callaghan, JJ Sherlock & Darren Geary recently organised a Cheerios breakfast morning in aid of Childline.
All first years attended the breakfast morning and a total of €210 was raised for the Childline charity
Here are some photos from the day.