First Year Bonding in the Burren 2024

While the excitement was going on in Longford there was still plenty of excitement in Co Clare as the first years arrived in the Burren for outdoor pursuits trip. They were enjoying some singing on the way to their first activity -caving !!

Day 1 at the Burren Outdoor Adventure Centre. First up was some caving and kayaking and then some down time in the beautiful Clare countryside

An evening walk on the beautiful Flaggy Shore

Spooky stories and s’mores for the first years and m TY mentors

Nothing as nice as a morning of kayaking in this beautiful country of ours.

First group of first years are keeping very busy on their outdoor pursuits trip

Our second group of first years enjoying some great weather at the Burren Outdoor Education Centre

Our first year group in the Burren last night were treated to a fantastic display frim the Northern Lights #memories

Evening walks and campfire chats in the Burren for the first years and the TY helpers

Making the most of the Burrens’ unique rocky landscape ,above and below the ground. Our final group of first years enjoying the Burren Outdoor Education Centre

First year caving and rockclimbing at the Burren OEC

World Mental Health Day

Well done to the 3A and 3B class who spent the day hiking in Ballyhoura. What better way to mark World Mental Health day than to blow off the cobwebs on top of Seefin Mountain!! In a year where minding our mental health has never been so important it was great to spend the day outdoors enjoying what Co Limerick has to offer. Good luck to the 3C and 3D classes who head off tomorrow

Ty @ Cappanalea

Here are some photos from the recent end of Transition Year trip to Cappanalea OEC. Over two days the transition participated in Kayaking, Windsurfing, Stand Up paddling and Raft Building. They camped out overnight, plenty of ghost stories were told around the camp fire while roasting marshmallows over the fire.

To see the full set of photos visit Hazelwood College on Facebook

TY @ Cappanalea

The Transition Year class recently began to wrap up their school year with a trip to Cappanalea Outdoor Education Centre. While there they camped out overnight and took part in a number of activities. The students spent most their time on the water, learning how to build rafts, kayaking, windsurfing, and stand up paddling, and in case this wasn’t enough some orienteering to stretch the legs. Despite the the best efforts of the ghost stories around the campfire everyone made it home safe and well!!!

For the full set of photos visit here on the school Facebook page.

TY Cappanalea gallery on Facebook