
Testimonials from Inspection Reports

The staff is committed and professional in its approach to its work..

Student achievement in the certificate examinations and the uptake of higher-level subjects is strong.

Students’ transition from primary to post-primary is well managed.

In their questionnaire responses, parents and students were very positive with regard to the school and its operation.

The support systems in place for students are well organised and provide very good quality care.

Facilities in the school are of a high standard and are very well maintained.

Teaching was student centred, and lessons facilitated active participation.

Classroom management was effective and a positive learning environment was created.

The quality of teaching and learning was very high in the lessons observed.

Lessons were well structured, and included opportunities for student engagement and participation.

There is a very positive classroom atmosphere which is conducive to learning.

Information and communication technology (ICT) and other visual supports were integrated effectively into lesson delivery.

There is very good provision and support for students with special educational needs in Hazelwood College.

Under the effective leadership of senior management, ongoing school development and improvement are aligned with the promotion of inclusive practices which benefit all who attend the school.

A whole-school approach is adopted by the school and considerable expertise exists among the staff in meeting the needs of those students identified with special educational needs.

Very good modes of collaboration and lines of communication exist among staff. The school engages in a comprehensive and effective range of assessment practices which are used to inform teaching and promote learning.