We strive not only to deliver lesson material but to provide a stable and secure learning environment for all our students. Parent/Guardians are the primary educators of children. Children receive 28 hours formal instruction each week in school, for the remaining 140 hours they are in your care. It is vital that the school has the full support of the Parents / Guardians if your child is to achieve his/her full potential in Hazelwood College.
The transition from Primary to Secondary school can be a very stressful time for your child, Parent/Guardians have a very important role in supporting their children in reducing this stress. Ways this can be done include giving your child opportunity to talk about school, tell your child that they are doing well. Be positive about school, remember education is a joint venture between home and school. Familiarise yourself with your child’s timetable and make sure the correct materials are packed for school, organise them the night before.
On an on-going basis let your child know where to get support, and encourage them to communicate with the relevant person(s). Each week read any comments contained in the student journal and sign the journal to acknowledge their contents. Encourage your child to actively participate in school life, both curricular and extra curricular. Its is widely accepted that the more students participate and integrate in school life the greater the overall academic performance of the child.
Attendance at school is key to success at school. The school is obliged to notify the National Education Welfare Board (NEWB) if your child is absent more than twenty days in the academic year.
Hazelwood College occasionally communicates with Parents / Guardians via a texting service, it is very important that we have your up to-date details at all times, should you change your phone number during the school year, please contact the office to amend your details.
The school has a number of support structures in place the support you and your child, should you have concerns about you child, be it academic performance / behavioural / other issues. You should contact the appropriate staff member.
Staff Roles:
Subject Teachers deal with specific issues in relation to particular subjects.
Class Teachers meet with students to discuss homework uniform, study, expected standards of behaviour etc. on a weekly basis.
The Year Head has overall responsibility for each student in their year group. Year Heads are an intermediary between parent/guardian, subject teacher, class teacher and principal/deputy principal. Year Heads also monitor the progress of students in their group as well as ensuring that the school Code of Discipline is implemented. They meet with students/parent/guardian to discuss academic progress, homework, uniform, study, expected standard of behaviour.
Special Education Needs Team are responsible for the academic performance of child with specific educational needs and learning support.
Student Services Support Team meets on a weekly basis to implement assistance to students that may have a need for other types of needs such as emotional support.
Principal/Deputy have a overall responsibility for the day to day running of the school.