Visit by Engineer – Ben Noonan

Today past student Ben Noonan an Engineer with Limerick County Council visited the school to speak with interested Senior students and Transition Years on engineering at Third Level. He advised them on subject choice, college courses and requirments and most importantly what work a qualifed engineer could expect to do.

Photo shows Ben speakin hwith some students after the talk

Bullying Awareness Week 24th-28th January

Bullying Awareness Week

Monday 24th to Friday 28th January


Wednesday 26th January
Humourfit will perform two plays to all students one on bullying and one on racism this will be followd by a question and answer session.

Thursday 27th January at 8p.m.
Frank Smith will talk to parents on bullying and related issues. All Parents welcome.

Friday 28th January
Frank Smith will talk to each year group on bullying and prevention.

Teachers will incorporate the theme into subject areas during the week e.g. SPHE, Art, English, Religion, CSPE, sport, etc.

The cost per student is €5

DAT Testing

Today Friday 21st January all third years are taking DAT tests. DAT tests are Differtial Apptitude Tests which assess students apptitude in areas such as Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Ability, Clerical Skills etc. The information provided by these tests is invaluable to the career guidance teachers in the school in helping the students decide subjects for the Leaving Certificate and possible college courses which would suit the students ability.

Tsunami UNICEF – Non Uniform Day

In aid of UNICEF and the Tsunami appeal whose devastion shocked the world last St. Stephan’s Day there will be a non-uniform day on Thursday 20th January. Students participating should bring a donation of at least €2 which will be collected on the day.

A total of €1200 was raised by the Leaving Certificate Applied class who organised the day and the collecting of donations.

French Theatre

‘French Theatre for Schools Group’ who are based in Dublin are visiting to school on Thursday 20th January. They perform a play which is an hour and a half long and is performed entirely in French. In days coming up to the play all students of french study the text of the play. The play will be performed twice on the day once to Junior classes and once to the senior classes. Some students are selected to take part in the play with spoken roles – giving them a chance to practice their French in front of an audience.

This is the third year of the group visiting the school. In the past students have found the performance extremely enjoyable.It is also great preparation for their exmas and gives the students a chance to meet with French people and to practice their French on them.

Pictured here are Transition Year students from Hazelwood College who took part in the French play last year.

You’re a Star visits Hazelwood College

You’re a Star visits Hazelwood College

You’re a Star entrants ‘George’ visited the school today and performed a number of songs. Currently the are touring schools around the country in search of votes for Sunday nights all important performance. This Sunday will be even more tense for the contestants as two act will be eliminated. Also time for each act will be limited as all ten acts including commercial breaks will have to perform within the hour of broadcast

Maire Ide De Bhal one of the members of the band ‘George Girl’ is a student at Hazelwood College. The was formed as part of the singer/ songwriter workshops in Killarney by the judges and producers of the show. It comprises of Maire Ide De Bhal and two other girls – Sarah Goodwin from Ballincollig, Co. Cork and Julie Cunnane from Dundalk, Co. Louth.

Images from the visit an the performance

Click on the photos to enlarge

Young Scientist’s Win Award

Elephant Grass wins an award.

Billy Fehin and Mary Ennis, Transition Year students from Hazelwood College Dromcollogher were last Friday night presented with an Esat BT Young Scientist special award from Comhra, National Sustainable Development Partnership.

With the help of their teacher Ms. Neville their project looked at Elephant Grass or Miscanthus as it is scientifically known. Miscanthus is a perennial low- input, high-output crop that has great biomass energy potential and loves soil with high water retention properties. Basically that means that Miscanthus is a type of grass, never before successfully grown in Ireland that requires very little work to farm but has huge potential to become a new type of environmentally friendly fuel.

This project has also been selected by ENFO to be displayed in their head office in Dublin and the students will be presented with 100 euro’s each by the Minister for the Environment for their research in the area of environmental science.

EsatBT Young Scientist – Mary Ennis and Billy Fehin Enter

Scientific Research at Hazelwood College
Preparing for the Young Scientist Exhibition
By: Mary Ennis and Billy Fehin, Transition Year Students of Hazelwood College, Dromcollogher

We began preparing our Young Scientist project in September when our chemistry teacher, Ms. Neville brought us in an article she had read in the Limerick Leader. The minute we read it we were instantly fascinated. The article was in relation to Elephant Grass or Miscanthus as it is scientifically known. Miscanthus is a perennial low- input, high-output crop that has great biomass energy potential and loves soil with high water retention properties. Basically that means that Miscanthus is a type of grass, never before successfully grown in Ireland, that requires very little work to farm but has huge potential to become a new type of environmentally friendly fuel. It loves wet boggy land which is why the grass is growing very successfully in Adare. We went on to the internet hoping to find some research material in relation to our project. We were surprised to find millions of pages relating to Miscanthus. We spent weeks reading through the material with the help of our teacher who was always there to give us new ideas and motivation when we needed it. For the practical side of the project we began by visiting Joe Hogan, the farmer who featured in the article. Joe was a wealth of information and on a cold morning in November he happily explained to us how he got started and why he decided to invest so much of his time into his crop. At this stage all of the information we were gathering was starting to make sense. We then went on to spend a full day in the University of Limerick testing the Miscanthus we had taken fresh from Joes farm. This was a great learning experience in itself as we were using chemicals and equipment that we had never heard of before. Mr. JJ Leahy, an industrial chemistry professor in UL was a great help to us on the day as he also has a keen interest in the Miscanthus phenomen. He also works closely with Joe Hogan so it was a great privilege to be working alongside him testing for such things as its Kilogram Calorific Value and Nutrients. So now as the Young Scientist Exhibition draws closer it seems the end is in sight. The project has taken four months of hard work and dedication but it has been a fantastic learning experience and was certainly worth the effort.

Click picture below to view article from Limerick Leader 15th January 2005