You’re a Star – RTE



TO 53600

Hazelwood College Student – Maire Ide De Bhal

Maire Ide De Bhal one of the members of the band ‘George Girl’ is a student at Hazelwood College. The was formed as part of the singer/ songwriter workshops in Killarney by the judges and producers of the show. It comprises of Maire Ide De Bhal and two other girls – Sarah Goodwin from Ballincollig, Co. Cork and Julie Cunnane from Dundalk, Co. Louth.

Most recently Maire Ide starred as the narrator in the school musical ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’. She is seen here photographed preforming in the musical and with the cast of the show. (click on photos to enlarge )

Limerick Leader Articale 15th January 2005

You’re A Star contestants hope Eurovision spot is signed, sealed and delivered

NEXT week’s 17th birthday of Máire Íde de Bhál from Feenagh might be the happiest of her life, as she again showcases before a huge national audience on You’re a Star.

And the students’ council at her school, Hazlewood College, Dromcollogher, is now liaising with the other VEC schools and colleges in a co-ordinated push for text and e-mail votes for next Sunday’s second elimination concert on RTÉ1.

Already, colour posters have been placed in schools, bars and discos, seeking support for the only Limerick contestant to have reached the finals in the competition to choose Ireland’s representative act at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev in May.

Daughter of Máire and Bertie Wall, the young accordion player and harpist reached the final stages of the competition and, last Sunday, easily got through the televised first elimination round at Dublin’s Helix Theatre at DCU.

She is one of a three-girl group, George, who came second in Sunday’s voting.

But, before she got to the finals at all, Máire Íde had to audition in Limerick and then undergo a gruelling week-long workshop with voice trainers, choreographers and stylists in Killarney, before emerging as part of one of the final 12 acts.

“Killarney was hectic, but we enjoyed it,” she said this week.

The judges, Hazel Kaneswaran, Barbara Galavan and Dave Fanning, gave three individual entrants, including Máire Íde, the opportunity to form a vocal group in just one day and prove themselves worthy of a place in the final stages.

Máire Íde, with Julie Cunane 19 from Dundalk and Sarah Goodwin 16 from Cork, had to pick a song, learn its words, arrange harmonies, learn a choreographed dance routine and co-ordinate outfits for a stage presentation to a large audience in the Gleneagles Hotel. Calling themselves George, they selected Stevie Wonder’s Signed, Sealed, Deliveredâ and convinced the judges they have what it takes to go through.

And so, this Sunday, as the elimination finals continue at 6.30 on RTÉ1, it will be down to text and e-votes to see whether Feenagh’s youngest star will take another step towards the great night in Kiev.

About the School

Hazelwood College is situated at Kells Cross, just outside of Dromcollogher. It opened it’s doors to students for the first time in September 2002. The €6 million development is a major scoop for the area and it is a tribute to the hard work of Principal Liam Lenihan and his dedicated staff.

School Building

Overlooking the town, the school is situated on an eleven acre site. The playing area consists of a full size G.A.A. field which is complimented by a hard surface area which is used for soccer, basketball and tennis.

A roadway surrounds the school facilitating the delivery and collection of students from the school. A new footpath has been laid down from the school to the town.

These fully resourced areas are inside the school building:

  • assembly area,
  • science rooms,
  • demonstration rooms,
  • general classrooms,
  • geography room,
  • mechanical drawing,
  • language laboratory
  • library
  • art room
  • technology room
  • engineering room
  • music department
  • computer rooms
  • PE hall.
School Entrance

Extra Curricular Activities

Outdoor Pursuits:

Hazelwood College has a long standing association with two outdoor education centres, Kilfinnane OEC, Co. Limerick and Capanalea OEC, Co. Kerry. There are a number of excursions organised throughout the year as part of the Transition Year and the Leaving Cert Applied Programme. There is also a weekend trip organised for first year students as part of their introduction to Hazelwood College. On these weekends students learn a number of new skills such as rock climbing, kayaking, hillwalking, abseiling, orienteering and campcraft. These weekends are not only a learning experience but are also great fun and hugely popular with our students.


Debating and Quizzes

Debating is an important part of the extra curricular activities at Hazelwood College. Students are given the opportunity to participate in debates both in the classroom and in debating competitions against other schools.

Public Speaking

Many of our students are involved in public speaking both in competition and as part of the transition where they are working to be awarded a toastmasters certificate.


Music is not only part of the curriculum at Hazelwood College but students also enjoy taking part in musical events outside of the classroom. In recent years Mr. Sheehan has organised students in the production of a number of musicals and variety shows including ‘Cats’, ‘Oliver’, ‘Grease’, ‘The Sound of Music’ and most recently ‘Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat’


Chess and Board Games

Indoor games have become extremely popular with students flocking to the library at lunch to play a variety of board games. Last year the chess club and the school was delighted with its success as they defeated all their opponents from other schools around the county.Students were coached in techniques within the school. All 1st year students were also involved in a draughts tournament which was a great event and proved to be a great competition right up to the final last May.

Chess at Lunchtime