Teacher v Students

Teacher vs students – It was a draw! Well done to our Active Schools team on their first event this term. Mr. Fealy and Ms. deBhál were our teacher MVPs. Alison Donegan and John Irwin were our 6th year MVPs. Congratulations to all.

Who is ready for the replay??

Calendar 2023-24


Friday 25th August                            School reopens  


Monday 18th September               Oide whole school support day. School Closed

Monday 25th September               School Closed


Monday 2nd October                       Burren Trip

Tuesday 3rd October                      Burren Trip

Wednesday 4th October                 Burren Trip

Thursday 5th October                      Burren Trip

Wednesday 11th October              Burren Trip

Thursday 12th October                   Burren Trip

                                                                2nd Year Study Skills

Wednesday 18th October              Open Morning

Thursday 19th October                   Open Night                                                                                        

Monday 23rd October                    TY work experience all week

Tuesday 24th  October                    Parent / Teacher meeting 6th years and LCA 2. Classes finish at 3:45. P/T Meeting from 4:15 to 6:45. No Homework Club or Study            

Friday 27th October                          Start of Mid-term break.                                                                              


Monday 6th November                  Return after midterm

Friday 10th November                    Final date for enrolling 1st years for September 2024

                                                                Study Skills for 5th Years  

Monday 13th November                3rd year Parent / Teacher meeting. Meeting from 4:15 to 6:45. No Homework Club or Study

                                                                1st Year Study Skills

Tuesday 14th November                Study skills for 6th Year                  

Friday 24th November                    DATS tests for 3rd years

Tuesday 28th November                2nd year Parent / Teacher meeting. Meeting from 4:15 to 6:45. No Homework Club or Study

Thursdays 30th November            LCETB Muintearas Day. School Closed


Monday 11th December                 1st year Parent /Teacher meeting Classes finish at 3:45. P/T Meeting from 4:15 to 6:45                                                               

Wednesday 20th December          Start of house examinations including LCA 5 End of Term 2 for TY

Friday 22nd December                    Christmas holidays


Monday 8th January                         Return after Christmas holidays

***Wednesday 24th January***     ***Course options evening 3rd and TY***

Saturday 27th January                     Assessment for incoming first years

Monday 29th January                      5th, LCA 1 & TY Parent / Teacher meeting.  Classes finish at 3:45. P/T Meeting from 4:15 to 6:45. No Homework Club or Study             (3 Hours)

***Tuesday 30th January ***          ***Oide whole school support day. School Closed***

Wednesday 31st January Start of Pre Leaving Examination and Pre Junior Examinations


Monday 5th February                      Bank Holiday

Tuesday 6th February                      Start LCA examinations.

Friday 9th February                          Mid-term break

Monday 19th February                    Return after mid-term break.


Friday 8th March                               School Concert  

Monday 18th March                         Bank holiday

Tuesday 19th March                         6th and LCA 2 Parent / Teacher meeting                                 

TY work experience for the week.

Friday 22nd March                            Easter Holidays


Monday 8th April                               Return after Easter holiday


Wednesday 1st May                       Meeting of parents of incoming 1st years

Friday 3rd May                                   School Closed  

Monday 6th May                              Bank holiday school closed

Monday 20th May                             TY work experience all week. 

Monday 27th May                             TY Tour.

Wednesday 29th May                      1st, 2nd and 5th Examinations

Friday 31 May                                    Summer holidays


Wednesday 5th June                        Start of state examinations

The management reserve the right to alter the calendar at any time. Some dates outlined here are proposed dates and subject to change. Dates may also change or be subject to cancellation based on health or other guidance at the time of the event. Please check this website for amendments to the calendar.

*** Denotes Change/Addition to Timetable from original publication

The Great Cookie Sale

The Great Cookie 🍪Sale was a great success today. Eoin and his trusted assistant, James made nearly €200 for Liskennet horses. Ms Devine was the lucky first customer. Eoin will deliver the donation to Liskennet (St Joseph’s Foundation ) tomorrow. Thanks to all who helped out and supported the cause. Recipe available on request from room 41.


Thanks to Laura Sexton 6th year for her wonderful artwork for this years yearbook. The book is now on sale for all students at a cost of €5. The book is a nice record of all the goings-on in the school over the past year. Can be purchased each lunch break in room 27

Graduation Night

Congratulations to all of our leaving cert class on their graduation last night. A beautiful mass was celebrated by Fr Casey followed by lots of chat and reminiscing . Well done to all students for making the night so special.

An extra special congratulations to our award winners on the night;

Overall Student of the Year Grace Noonan

LCA Student of the Year Sarah Ryan

Sportsstar of the Year Cian O’Connor

Yearhead Award Keelin O’Brien

Munster Schools Athletics

Congratulations to Callum Keating . Munster schools senior shot put winner with a throw of 15.94 a PB.

Well done to Eimear Galvin who also competed having qualified at the North Munster Competition