Trevor Sargent Visits Green Schools Action Day

Hazelwood College Green Schools Action Day

Report by Katie Lordan, Transition Year

The Green Schools Committee of Hazelwood College recently held a very successful Green Day as part of their quest for a green flag for the school. The Green Day was a day of action where all the students in the school got involved. The aim of the day was for each department in the school to contribute a project which incorporated the theme of recycling or helped the environment. We hoped that after the day students may be more aware of the little things that can be done to help our environment.

Each department did a fabulous job at coming up with ideas for the day. To name but a few, the P.E. department went around the school and marked where the rubbish black areas were, the English department held a fantastic book sale and the Art department designed a beautiful collage made from old magazines and painted a very scenic picture. There was a great atmosphere in the gym and all the students had a great time. Our Green Day was topped off by a visit from Trevor Sargent T.D.

Mr.Sargent was in Dromcollogher as he was presenting awards to students from the Organic College. He was taken on a tour of the gym by members of the Green Schools committee. He was very impressed by the hard work of the Green Schools Committee and was also interested in what the students of Hazelwood College contributed to the Green Day.

It is the Green Schools Committee’s aim to obtain a green flag for our school which we hope will set a good example for the rest of our community. Currently we are very dedicated to recycling as much waste as possible. We have bins for plastic bottles, tin foil, general waste, food waste, paper and glass.

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Members of Hazelwood Colleges Green Schools Committee, School Principal Mr Brendan Burke and Deputy Principal Mrs Elizabeth Dolan with Mr Trevor Sargent TD who visited the school and viewed the students work recently.

Green Action

Green Schools Co-ordinator Ms Mairead Daly with David Finn,
Transition Year who acted as MC for the action day.

Green Action2

Transition Year


Hazelwood College Transition Year students, Megan Aherne, Deborah Daly and Maighread Noonan doing some research in Newcastle West library.

Hazelwood College through to Final

Hazelwood College Senior Girls Football

Hazelwood College 2-9
St. Augustines, Dungarven 1-9

This semi-final, which was played in Bansha on a glorious day, was as tough as it gets but Hazelwood came through with flying colours to reach the Munster Final for only their second time in colleges football.

The girls from Dungarven set the pace early on and had two points on the scoreboard before the Dromcollogher outfit settled with Denise O’Connell slotting over a free kick ten minutes into the half. Two more points followed from play- Emma Browne from 30 meters out and a close range score from Denise O’Connell. Dungarven were then awarded a free kick 40 metres from the goal and the ball found its way into the back of the net.

Hazelwood continued to press and were unlucky for two goals- the ball coming off the back of the crossbar on one occasion from an Emma Browne shot and Ashling O’Brien hitting the upright close in. With five minutes to go the pressure did pay off and the same two girls took a point each. Some sloppy play from our full back line gave two frees away which were pointed by the Dungarven girls leaving the half time score of 1-5 to 0-5 in favour of St Augustines.

Hazelwood started well in the second half and again Denise and Emma scored a point a piece. From a poor kick out the ball once again reached Emma Browne and a 45 meter lob (like Beckhams) beat the Dungarven goalie and Hazelwood were ahead for the first time. One of Dungarvens better players leg tripped Katie O’Sullivan going through to score and was given a ten minute rest by the referee- Denise O Connell pointed the free.

At this stage Maire Flanagan took control of the game and kept the pressure on the Dungarven backs which resulted in a penalty when Vickie Harnett was brough down in the square after going clear of her marker. Tara Hurley stepped up to take it and cool as a breeze hit the top left hand corner. Dungarven had a few points from frees prior to this but another point from Emma put Hazelwood four clear. Dungarven pointed again late on but the final score remained at 2-9 to 1-9. Best for Hazelwood were Maire Flanagan,Tara Hurley, Mairead Geary, Niamh Greaney, Katie O’Sullivan, Denise O’Connell, Ashling O’Brien and Emma Browne.

Hazelwood team: N. O’Brien, S.Forde, M. Geary, N. Greaney, T. Hurley, M. Flanagan, L. Hanley, C.Meaney (c), N. Kiely, K. O’Sullivan, E, Browne, V. Harnett, H.Lenihan, A. O’Brien and D.O’Connell

Subs used: N. O’connell, G Shannon and A o’Flynn

Other subs; K. Hodgson, B Ryan, N. Mc CArthy, S Moloney, C Enright, C O Leary, A O’Connor, K Dillane, N Cagney, K O Leary and E Noonan

Sugarcraft Class

Sugarcraft Class

The Transition Years had the opportunity to witness Frank Broderick of Brudair’s Bakery craftsmanship in cake decorating during a recent demonstration. They got their chance to showcase their new skills in Home Economics class, when they baked and decorated their own Christmas cakes.


Crudem Foundation – Updates

The school recently decided to support the Crudem Foundations work in Haiti.

Below is an update on their efforts


Today thanks to the efforts of many people and the generosity of an anonymous donor, 8 of our seriously ill children ranging in age from 3 to 13 were allowed by the Haitian authorities and UN to leave Haiti for treatment. A private jet from Western Massachusetts landed in Cap Haitian this morning filled with nurses and doctors from Baystate Medical Center and left with 8 children from Hopital Sacre Coeur accompanied by 2 physicians and 2 nurses.

The jet landed 4 hours later at Bradley Airport where there were 6 ambulances waiting. Since it was snowing and in the 20’s the jet pulled into a hanger so the children could be protected. They were carefully carried to stretchers covered in blankets and given stuffed animals to accompany them on their trip to Shriners hospital (5 with serious orthopedic problems), a Boston burn unit (2 with serious burns), Baystate Pediatric intensive care unit ( a girl with a fractured pelvis and other fractures).

Our census is around 400 patients despite discharges such as the above miracle. We are still receiving transfer patients from the USS comfort. Our volunteers continue to work 16 to 20 hour days and are an inspiration to watch. My son who just returned was in awe of the Professors of Internal medicine, surgery and Ophthalmology who were changing bandages and caring for patients in the temporary hospital because that was where the need was. Egos and status are put aside and the only focus is on how best to care for our patients. The true volunteer spirit of being willing to do whatever is needed is evident in all of our teams.

Typically we have about 170 volunteers come to Hopital Sacre Coeur each year. Since the earthquake we have had over 250 and will continue to have at least 50 a week for the next 2 months. The list of people wanting to volunteer grows each day. This is proof for all of us that the majority of people are caring and want to help their fellow man. We need to remember this as we read and hear the negative in the media.

Thanks to private donations by individuals, companies and nonprofits such as Americares and Project Hope, we are still receiving the supplies we need to keep the hospital running. Our food shortage has ended thanks to the generosity of Malteser International who is financing the shipment of truckloads of food from the Dominican Republic. God has blessed us in this time of tragedy with the many people who make the Miracles at Hopital Sacre Coeur happen.

Peter Kelly M.D.
President, the CRUDEM Foundation

Please visit our website for recent footage from the hospital, pictures from volunteers, TV and other news articles. We are also on twitter and facebook crudem_haiti. We appreciate greatly your continued support.

Crudem Foundation Updates

The school recently decided to support the Crudem Foundations work in Haiti.

Below is an update on their efforts

Update from Hopital Sacre Coeur

Today our patient census is 329 in our temporary Tent hospital and 70 in what we are now calling the old hospital. We have discharged over 80 patients to local missions, to families in Milot who have offered to share their homes and some we helped return to Port au Prince. The influx of new patients has decreased to transfers of patients from other facilities that require specialized care that only Hopital Sacre Coeur can offer.

We need at least 20 nurses a week to help care for the increased inpatient volume. Orthopedic and general surgery teams are busy doing reoperations, debriding wounds and infections, treating burn patients and caring for our usual patient volume. Our Haitian staff continues to run our outpatient clinics and our visiting subspecialty teams are returning at their scheduled times. Last week we had a maxillofacial surgery team who treated facial fractures from the earthquake and dermatologists who provided postop wound care and treated clinic patients.

It is now important for us to create rehabilitation services for these patients. Physical and occupational therapists have started to come and are getting the patients up and moving around. Dr Lovejoy, an orthopedic surgeon who was there the week after the earthquake, is assembling a prosthetic lab in a container that can be shipped to our hospital. This will allow us to produce artificial limbs on site for the many amputees.

As we increase our services and inpatient beds we increase our overhead. Our annual budget before the earthquake was $1.8 million. It looks like we will at least double our size which will double our overhead to $3.6 million. The construction plans that we had initiated before the earthquake will have to be revised and our original estimate of $5 million for new construction and renovation will also increase.

The generosity in donations has been inspiring. Many different schools and churches have raised thousands of dollars to help us care for the patients. Individuals have given in many different ways. A typical example occurred when one of our large surgery teams was trying to get to the airport for their flight. They contacted a local cab company in Fort Lauderdale, Ambassador Taxi, and asked for 4 cabs. When the drivers heard that they were going to Haiti ( the drivers were Haitian) they provided the taxis for free.

Please continue to keep our hospital employees, volunteers and the Haitian people in your prayers. We are still struggling to obtain food for the patients. We continue to need donations to enable us to provide the increasing need for care. We will continue to need volunteers, especially nurses, to come to Hopital Sacre Coeur. This will all be accomplished through your prayers and efforts.

Peter Kelly
President CRUDEM Foundation

Please visit our website for recent footage from the hospital, pictures from volunteers, TV and other news articles. We are also on twitter and facebook crudem_haiti.

Haiti Fundraiser Opens Hearts and Pockets

Haiti Fundraiser Opens Hearts and Pockets


Following the devastation of the recent earthquake in Haiti, the staff and students of Hazelwood College opened their hearts and particularly their pockets in order to raise much needed funds for the millions of people left destitute following this natural disaster.

The fundraiser – a non uniform day which was held on Wednesday 3rd February was the brainchild of first year students Stephanie Kirwan and Aisling McCarthy who wanted to raise money for the Haiti Relief Fund. With the help of their fellow classmates Julia O’ Doherty and Sharon Roche posters were designed and funds were collected from students and staff over a number of days.

While there are many organisations working hard to provide relief and support for those devastated by the earthquake, the school decided to support the Crudem Foundation in Haiti as local girl Denise Kelly from Granagh works voluntarily on the board as executive director. The Crudem Foundation provides accessible primary healthcare to the poor regardless of their religion, economic status or medical condition. Services available in the Sacre Coeur Hospital in Milot which is located 70km north of Port au Prince include vaccinations, pre-natal care, basic hygiene and nutrition training, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria treatment. Surgical training is also provided for Haitian medical staff along with a mobile clinic which serves over 200 patients per week who are unable to avail of on-site hospital services. Denise spent four years volunteering at the hospital campus and now works full –time from Dublin to ensure that the hospital has the necessary medical supplies, equipment, medical volunteers and finances required on a daily basis.

Denise is not the only member of her family involved in helping the people of Haiti as her brother James has taken time out of his studies and is currently volunteering as an interpreter in Haiti. Also her mother Maureen and her aunt Grace McCarthy are busily fund raising locally with up to 40 collection boxes available in shops throughout the county such as Newcastlewest, Croom, Patrickswell, Ballingarry etc. and across the county bounds in Cork.

“We’re delighted as up to €10,000 has been raised to date by schools and personal donations. I’m asking people to think about giving to the Crudem Foundation if they want to support a charity, as 100% of the money goes directly to the organisation unlike other charities” Grace McCarthy said.

Due to work commitments Denise was unable to personally accept the cheque but her mother and aunt visited the school and spoke to students on her behalf. They outlined the pressures the hospital is presently experiencing as they receive patients requiring major surgeries with heavily infected wounds and a large percentage of patients requiring amputations. This also creates a need for crutches and prostheses which are not typically stocked in large numbers.

“The price of food such as rice and fuel has also skyrocketed as demand exceeds availability but the schools donation will go along way to pay for these, as when converted to Haitian dollars it almost doubles” according to Maureen.

Management in the school were delighted with the response and the amazing generosity and compassion shown by staff, students and their families as an incredible €1,693 was raised in total.

“Over the last few days students have come into school with money boxes, along with anonymous donations from individuals in the locality. We would like to sincerely thank everyone for their support especially during these recessionary times” said Ms. Daly.

Contributions, however small can be made by contacting Denise by email [[email protected] ] or the website For more information and blogs from volunteers, follow facebook on crudem_haiti and twitter for updates.


Outstanding Performance from Hazelwoods Basketball squad

Outstanding Performance from Hazelwoods Basketball squad.

As the sporting season rolls on Hazelwood College recently had a great day on the basketball court, coming out victorious over Desmond College from Newcastle West. The game had a great start with Lizzie Cremin scoring the opening basket of the game. Lovely baskets from Sinead Keane, Marion Brosnan, Aisling O’Connor and Christina Hartnett along with strong defence throughout, Hazelwood College were in the lead at the end of the quarter, 13-10.
The second quarter also started with a bang with Hazelwood College furthering their lead. Desmond played very competitive basketball but Hazelwood were on fire with their shooting, scoring 17 points in the second quarter alone. By the end of the first half Hazelwood had secured a very comfortable lead of 30 points to 14.
Hazelwood continued to play fantastic basketball throughout the second half scoring a further 14 points from Deirdre Cunningham, Christina O’Leary, Martina Curtin and impenetrable defence from Julie Mary Duggan, Gemma Barrett, Anita Daly and Katie Maguire. The girls all played exceptionally well and they truly deserved the great win at the end of the day. The Final score was 54 to 29 points. Well done Girls!

Christmas Hamper Appeal Update

Christmas Hamper Appeal Update

The cupboards in many homes this Christmas were not bare as St Vincent de Paul distributed thousands of hampers to needy families, elderly people and individuals who would otherwise have gone without basic food items as well as luxury festive treats over Christmas. Hampers are a lifeline to families who can’t afford the cost of Christmas. Many people simply cannot afford the additional costs at this time of the year and the hampers go a long way towards easing that burden. The spirit of Christmas is well and truly alive in Hazelwood College Dromcollogher. The students and staff recently organised a food hamper collection in aid of St Vincent de Paul. There was a fantastic response to the collection and a huge selection of non perishable and festive food items were donated to the large gift wrapped box which had been placed in the main area of the school. The Home Economics department also donated a homemade Christmas cake which was decorated by Frank Broderick of Brudair’s bakery during a sugarcraft demonstration which was held recently in the school. The hamper drive was a great way to get involved with SVP at Christmas and to reach out a helping hand to people who are in need in the community. The school would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the students and their families who helped to make the collection such a success. The hampers were distributed by very dedicated volunteers who are able to identify families and individuals in the local community who were in need.

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