Three Top Engineering Awards for Hazelwood College Students
Hazelwood Colleges status as a top school for engineering was further established last week when three of its students were awarded prizes for their excellent performance in the state examinations. In the Junior Certificate category Paul Lucey was awarded the Liam Lee Memorial Medal for achieving the highest grade nationally in Junior Certificate Metalwork. Meanwhile his classmate Patrick O Regan was placed in the top ten in the country for his Junior Cert results. In the Leaving Cert category Bryan O Regan was placed 2 nd in the country for his performance in the Engineering exam. Bryan was previously awarded the top grade in the Munster region. The awards ceremony was held in Mullingar last week and the awards were presented by Mary O Rourke. This was a tremendous achievement both for the school and the students involved.
Pictured are Engineering teacher Mr Des Lambe with top students Paul Lucey (left) and Patrick O Regan (right) Missing from photo is Bryan O Regan