The Home Economics department were very busy on our recent openday. During the day they fed over 260 Primary schools students. A busy day was had by all preparing and cooking buns, cakes, tarts and sausage rolls.
Here are some photos from the day:
Picture 1: Hazelwoods famous buns for primary school visitors
Picture 2: 2nd years; Sean Broderick and Jack Walmsley, who won prizes for their Healthy Packed Lunch entries during Hazelwood College’s Open Day
Picture 3: Visitors tasting Healthy Packed Lunches during Hazelwood College’s Open Day
Picture 4: Home Economics students Rachel Doody, Ronan O’Connor & Jack Walmsley during Hazelwood College’s Open Day
Picture 5: 2nd year Jack Harding demonstrates his baking skills during Hazelwood College’s Open Day
Picture 6: Ms Reilly demonstrates baking skills to 1st year Home Economics students during Hazelwood College’s Open Day
Picture 7: Visitors enjoying the Home Economics display during Hazelwood College’s Open Day