Sive and Variety Show Pictures
Here are some pictures from the recent sell-out performances of Sive and the Annual Variety Show. Congratulations to all involved to in making these nights a great success.
Picture 1 : Lisa Collins, 6th Year performing at the Hazelwood College Variety Show
Picture 2: Daniel Collins, 5th Year takes to the stage at the Hazelwood College Variety Show
Picture 3: Kallie Hodgson, Transition Year during her performance at the Hazelwood College Variety Show
Picture 4: Amy Ryan, 3rd Year performing at the Hazelwood College Variety Show
Picture 5: Mary Cussen, 1st year performing as part of the Hazelwood College Ceili Band
Picture 6: Paddy Lordan as Liam Scuab in the Hazelwood College Production of Sive
Picture 7: Ashling O’Connor as Sive and Becky Ryan as Mena in the Hazelwood College Production of Sive
Picture 8: Joseph O’Connor as Carthalawn in the Hazelwood College Production of Sive
Picture 9: Cathal Danaher as Mike and Paddy Lordan as Liam Scuab
Picture 11: Darren Roche who starred as Thomasheen in the Hazelwood College Production of Sive
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Some closing scene footage recorded on a mobile phone from a member of the audience.