The Leaving Certificate Applied Classes will visit Little Orchard Adventure Centre for their end of year school trip While there they will take part inthe the following activities:
Pulse Ranger – Laser Paintball
Battle and employ combat strategies to complete with your team varied tasks and challenges, but remember the other team will be there to shoot you down
Orienteering/Treasure Hunts
Test your wits with the clues and maps on our purpose built course around the facility
Laser Clay Shooting
Take aim and shoot in total safety
Pit Stop Challenge
Team Challenge with fun requiring physical and mental speed in changing four wheels of our car against the clock and other teams
Pyramid Tyre Challenge
A difficult Team Challenge that will test you and your teams ability to solve a problem.
Team Assault Course
Run the course and get through the obstacles to get back to the start that allows your next team member through and remember try not to get wet???